Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Historical Moment

If you look back on historic times, you'll notice some positive and some negetive. Personally, to be able to stop a traggic historic time and save the lives of people would most defintly be of certain intrest. The terroist attacks on the United States and the city of New York stand out in my mind as a moment I'd love to change. Nothing brought more pain and misery to people in North America and all over the world then watching those planes crash into the twin towers killing thousands of innocent people. I vaguely remember that day. But the memory of seeing every single T.V. flashing the CNN news breaking news update. This most defintly signified that this was a historic moment that would haunt the nation of the United States for a while. I've only been alive for 17 years. So I dont have much background on the hitler saga, or the world wars. But to witness 9/11, and think that children in the United States would have to ask there mothers what time is daddy coming home. Only to have the mere response of there sobbing mother "Daddy's not coming home". Sickens me beyond belief. Sometimes you have to put yourself in the shoes of the victims. My heart goes out to all the innocent people killed, and the families who didnt expect to lose family members after saying "have a good day at work dad" only to be left in shock and disbelief. I dont know much I could have done at the time. If only I could put myself in the posistion of a customs officer and relize that these suspicious taliban freaks were up no good. To have the power to pull them beside and prevent them from ever bording the plane. This suicide attack perhaps would of never occured.

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