Monday, February 28, 2011

21st Century Education

1. Personally, I believe the strongest skills you need following Highschool are independence, responsibility, and charisma. As it is up to you to make responsible choices to benifit your long term future outlook. Being able to communicate strongly to others will only help in job interviews and first impressions of people who can change your life.
2. Yes, I believe in Highschool you learn responsiblity and independence over a period of time. You start to relize that every choice you make is crucial to your well being. Whether its through school grades, friends, or knowing what's right from wrong. Being able to get along with others is a strong skill to possess. Over your grad year, it seems like everyone comes together and suddenly theres no seperation from group to group. As everyone has done the journey through these years together. Therefore, you should treat everyone with a sense of respect.
3. The perfect Highschool would consist of several ideas or concepts brought forward. However, most importantly a perfect highschool would have everyone get along. Bullying, negetive assumptions or stereotypes diminished. While its almost impossible to achieve this. Truly, if everyone could relize there is some good in every individual then a school would have a perfect student enviroment. Secondly, with technology rapildy growing. If a school was perfect then every student would be issued a personal laptop they could use and maintain over the school year. With the internet consisting of so many ideas and search engines. It would only help students seek and accomplish higher grades as they could aquire knowledge on the internet. My last idea is one of personal preference. While it seems somewhat unreasonable and immature. A built in convience store would be perfect. Imagine a 7/11 just down the hall from math class. While the cafeteria does provide eggers and healthy choices. Traditional snacks and munchies just down the hall would be a quick and convienent stop.
4. My plans next year are still up in the air. My goal at the start of the year was to do everything I could to make sure I could attend post secondary. So far I've done a satisfactory effort as grade 12 is defintly a notch above the grades below. My math mark might limit my acceptance into buisness school. However, a strong intrest in writing might possibly open a door in journalism. Perhaps, even a future career in writing or reporting on sports like NHL, MLB, or NFL. All leagues I have followed and enjoyed over my whole life time. Either attending college in town or in Kelowna seems of best intrest. Living at home seems to be option I'm leaning towards as it would save money and my mom could still cook meals and do my laundry! My last resort seems to be leaning towards entrance into the arts programs. Not a bad idea as I could discover potential careers and get a diploma. To get my work life started and my life in order.

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