Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Perception is Everything

The presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions is stating that everything we see visually has been altered by previous encounters or expierences. During the video, Otto explains how a poster that is red might appear as blue to a seperate individual. This example shows that objects are unique and percieved differently through our own eyes. We see this on an everyday basis in society. A black male born in Canada during the 20th century is looked upon differently and stereotyped in a more peaceful manner, then a black male born down south during the 1960's. This relates to the theme of the presentation in the way that knowledge and information has been displayed in past occurences that alters our perception of the older black male. Even if the individual had nothing to do with racial disputes, he is percieved differently due to the timeline. Another real life example is advertisements protraying women as beautiful and perfect. However, there images have been mechanically changed so we see them as completly flawless. Women then get the general idea that in order to be elegant and gorgeous. They have to alter there appearance in order to be percieved like the figures we see on advertisements. The theme Otto presents is fascinating as it can be expanded on so many levels. For example, we percieve people who eat at say a fast food franchise such as Mcdonalds to be overweight and lazy. This perception is revolved around the fact that the food is outrageously high in calories. However, not everyone who eats at such restaurant falls under these characteristics. People who are athletic and physically fit might stop by a fast food outlet just to get a quick snack. Our knowledge through movies such as "Super Size Me" that society views obscures our broadbase of information on this topic. Ultimatly, manipulating the way we view customers of fast food by the rest of society. In conclusion, Beau Otto's presentation is more then just a simple engaging mind and color game. It's a topic and guideline that relates to everything we are involved or introduced to. People's perceptions of people, places, or objects of any manner are influenced by the visuals we've seen or the facts heard.

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