Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Road Less Travelled

1. Is it important to be passionate about your job? That is a simple question to answer. Without passion and integrity in the workplace, tasks do not get completed to superb ability. If one does not display passion then how do you expect them to be hard working on an everyday basis. Showing up to work everyday and not caring about the work you achieve or are expected to complete will ultimatly backfire because there is no proper devotion of time towards your duties. It is proven that people who are passionate and love showing up for work are the ones that become successful and prosperous. Without passion how do you expect to recieve promotion to a higher role or an increased salary. So to answer the question. Yes, it is very important to be passionate in the work place as it reflects on your work ethic, character, and attitude towards your job. As well as sustaining a healthy and joyful lifestyle. I personally can relate to this subject manner. My father who not to long ago worked for a construction company in which he worked under a difficult boss to deal with, along with work he was not comfortable or enjoyed doing. Many nights he came home frusterated and full of anxiety. He did not love his job nor show any signs of passion. His lifestyle altered, he fell into depression issues and gained weight as well. However, after a couple years enough was enough. He recieved a different job offer and went on to resume a posisition under the government. Now he shows signs of passion and the whole family has noticed a change in his mood.

2. While i dont have concrete plans established i've narrowed it down to the correct route im planning on taking. Next year, I will be attending UBCO in Kelowna. I have been enrolled in the business program which I have had strong interest in for quite some time. From there I hope one day to perhaps open up my own business and achieve a prosperous and healthy lifestyle. However, I dont nessecary have to open my own business with this degree. With a business degree, I can attract more clients if I go the route of becoming a stockbroker. Handling people's money carefully is something I've been intrigued to do since middle school. I personally, have always been extremly cautious and smart with handling my own finances. Its not all about the money though. Over the last couple years, I have worked at Penticton Golf and Country Club where I have established some everlasting people skills as I have become communicative and personable with people of all ages. In the stockmarket business one must be able to persuade and sustain a likable image to retain clients to trust him or her with there life savings. Therefore, im keeping my options open. Thankful that a solid plan moving forward is intact and heading towards success.

Monday, June 6, 2011

55 Word Story

A rushed trip through the airport, scrambling for luggage and to clear customs to board our next flight. The plane for Mexico was leaving and my brother and I scurried thorough the airport like mice racing for cheese. We made it just in the knick of time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Novel Research

For this assignment, I did research on the author of "A Clockwork Orange" Anthony Burgess. I discovered that he actually died the year I was born which is 1993. Not only was Burgess an author but he was also a poet, playwrighter, composer, and a translator as he was familiar with multiple launguages. Which might explain the diverse vocabulary he uses throughout the story. While Burgess was skilled at writing books he also was very talented at producing music. Burgess composed roughly over 250 musical symphonies. Truly, man of many talents and desires. Burgess took the military route in 1946 and started out as an unpoular and useless Army private and eventually made it all the way to being promoted to seargent. After Burgess was fed up and exhausted with his posistion in the military he decided to take a safer career decison and become a teacher. He worked as a lecturer in speech and drama and was very successful in doing so. Its safe to say Burgess did it all. While "A Clockwork Orange" was his most accomplished creation. He also starred in performances on radio stations providing insightful input and a successful screenwriter. In Burgess's career he published thirty three different novels or biographies. Honored through his career as an educated scholar, Burgess achieved graduation at St Andrews, Birmingham, Manchester universities. Burgess's flourishing living came to an unfortunate end on November 22nd, 1993. The cause of death was said to be from lung cancer as Burgess was a heavy smoker over the years. A lifespan that lasted 76 years, Burgess was gifted in the ways of arts, literture, and musical talent. To this very day, Burgess's novels are still read throughout the world and loved by so many due to his distinct vocabulary and unique writing style. A famous Britain author, Anthony Burgess will always be remembered

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Toronto Blue Jays 2010 Season Review

The Toronto Blue Jays came into the 2010 season with little expectations to compete and numerous questions to be answered. It was the first season without there former ace and face of the franchise Roy Halladay. A young and inexpierenced starting rotation was intact filled with prospects with promising careers ahead. While many questioned how they'd fair the rotation was one of the bright spots throughout the season. Led by sophomore ace Ricky Romero, all 5 of the starters recorded winning records and showed opposing hitters they were major league ready. Perhaps, the most impressive start by Brendan Morrow who was aquired through a deal with the Seattle Mariners. In the final month of the season, Morrow hurled a 17 strikeout one hit performance against the division rival Tampa Bay Rays. Coming within one out of a no hitter till Evan Longoria squeaked a 2 out single in the bottom of the ninth past the sprawling glove of Aaron Hill. Jays fans got a sneak peek at what the future awaits, as rookie pitchers Brett Cecil and Kyle Draebek emerged from the minor league system and dazzled hitters with some of pitches they developed. Giving life to jays fans that the future is bright. While solid pitching was established it was the Jays bats that came alive in 2010. Leading the majors with an astonishing 268 homers. Led by none other then Jose Bautista. From utility man to big time slugger there might've not been a better story in the MLB then Bautista's. The guy came out of nowhere and slugged 54 homeruns to lead the major leagues and put himself in prime posistion as an MVP candidate. In August, Bautista was fortunate enough alongside teammates John Buck and Vernon Wells to recieve invitation to the all star game. Three representitives from the jays marked the first time since 1989 that 3 players from the Jays were all selected to take part. While Bautista, Buck, Encarnacion, and Wells produced solid seasons there were a couple downfalls that were discouraging for Toronto. Both Adam Lind and Aaron Hill coming off all star seasons were mired in season long slumps both posting avergages below the .250 mark and a sufficent decrease in homers. Ultimatly, hurting the teams batting average to the bottom 5 of the American League at an average of .268. Some of the downfalls towards the Jays were battling through injuries. Travis Snider who was expected to make the big leap in his career was slowed down by injuries. Landing on the disabled list for multiple stints. Aaron Hill was not the same player following his concussion in mid season and failed to return to the All-Star status he possessed in 2009. One of the most memorable moments in 2010 belonged to rookie call up J.P. Arencibia. On August 7th, the rookie catcher was inserted in the lineup after injuries to John Buck and Raul Chavez. On his first major league pitch Arencibia blasted a two run shot off James Shields. A young and enthusiatic Arencibia trudged around the bases and was welcomed back in the dugout by his teammates. Making the moment even more special for J.P. was that his mother was in attendence as well. Arencibia didn't stop there. He went on to blast another homerun and finished the game four for four. Capping off one of the best Major League debuts of all time. The 2010 season was one to remember, while the Jays finished a mediocre 85-77 and 4th in the AL east it was names emerging as bright young prospects that is keeping fans excited. Cito Gaston was given a standing ovation in the last game of the season and will be postivly remembered as perhaps the best Jays manager of all time. Able to develop such dangerous hitters that keep opposing pitchers on there toes. The Jays have cornerstone pieces in place, now its a matter of developing strong game to game consistency. Once this is established it will only be a matter of time before the Jays are competing for the World Series

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why Jose Bautista is the Best Player in Baseball

Some could argue Pujols, Howard, Rodriguez are far superior then the powerful and intimidating Jose Bautista. But to be labeled the best means one must excel in all aspects of the game. Jose Bautista can do it all. He possesses a quick bat through the strike zone muscling baseballs to all parts of the ball park. While in the field he can run down any ball and fire a cannon to home plate to snag a runner and keep the opposing team off the scoreboard. Oh wait! look out while the pitcher is napping Bautista can swipe second base in the blink of an eye. Enough said, this guy is capable to performing any talent that is thrown his way. While Pujols has been labeled the best player in baseball for years it seems like he is slowly being pushed aside in that category. He is to stocky to carry himself on the basepaths and his fielding skills are satisfactory at best. He might be considered the most consistent batter in the game but his lack of skill in other parts of the game are flawed. No where near the capability of Bautista. Stats are availbable to back up all cases of the argument. Since September of 2009 no player in the game has slugged more homeruns then Bautista. He led the majors with 54 dingers last season and so far in this young season has kept up the pace as he currently leads the league with 19 big flys. Safe to say the guy is locked in at the plate, and others have took notice. This April Bautista was on the front page of Sports Illustrated with the caption "Jose has Taken Over" beside it. Opposing pitchers fear Bautista when he steps up to the plate. Usually haunting them with a towering shot to left field or a double off the wall. He can hit fastballs on either side of the plate, curveballs that look unhittable and sliders breaking away from his bat. Pitches have not found the solution to get this guy out. As for the fielding stats, last season Bautista was second in the majors only behind Nick Markakis of the Orioles for outfield assists. With 24 to Markakis's 26. His cannon of an arm has runners on third base thinking twice before making a charge to homeplate on a sacrifice fly. What more is there to say, Bautista is the best player in the game because there is not a single aspect in which he struggles at. He will hurt you with the bat, throw you down at homeplate and perhaps catch you sleeping and make a charge for second. Jose Bautista is a beast. The best player in the game to date.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Perils of Indifference

1. Does Society Even Care? 2. While the ending of "The Lottery" may be shocking to readers as the impression the townspeople were perfectly normal was portrayed throughout the story. It shows that society doesn't care who you are, if a ritual is set in stone then the consequences remain intact. The black box lottery stoning event takes place every year according to the story. So the townspeople are used to the fact that an innocent citizen will fall prey to the game and get stoned to death. The results dont phase them, as its just another year of playing "The Lottery". This passage connects to the sacrifices the Mayans made in their culture. The mayan community and faith would sacrifice humans from boys ages 5-8. They did not care who fell victim, as a ritual and belief was in place. The mayans did sacrifices of humans as they believed these would be foundations of temples and other symbolic structures. I got the chance to travel to Mexico and was fortunate enough to view the Mayan ruins of Talum. Right before my eyes I was looking at Mayan temples where actual sacrifices were once occuring. The Mayans also had rituals of sacrificing an innocent boy's heart in order to properly ascend a new king. While the Mayans weren't playing a game. They still connect to the passage as they performed a yearly ritual of sacrificing anyone without being brutally phased, as it was performed on a consistent basis. 3. Elie Wiesel's speech and "The Lottery" connect in a similiar manner. In the speech Wiesel attempts to strike the reader with the message that not taking action and being careless is as harmful as approaching a situation in a negetive or hatred way. Throughout the speech Wiesel produces points that signify this message. These points follow the same curriculum and guidelines the townspeople live by. Ellie makes an interesting reference to America's connection to the Germans. "Why did some of America's largest corporations continue to do business with Hitler's Germany until 1942?". I found this fascinating as it seemed like despite Hitlers actions towards jewish people, American society felt like there economy overshadowed those horrific events and continued business negotiations. By this time Germany had already been involved in the invasion of Poland and was ultimatly trying to reign supreme amongst the globe. So how do you explain the Americans indifference? This connects so closely to the townspeople playing "The Lottery" game. They know that sacrificing an innocent civilian isn't right. You get the idea as everyone involved is so intense and verbally communicative. However, despite past history they continue to fall through and use the black box to see who unwillingly will be stoned to death. Its almost like society just doesnt seem to care about the surroundings there revolved around. Society falls prey to careless decisions that leaves those who stop and think about the topic indifference, simply stunned and confused. Both the speech and the story strike the same message. Society for the past, current, and future ages has seemed to fall into a crisis of indifference.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Perception is Everything

The presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions is stating that everything we see visually has been altered by previous encounters or expierences. During the video, Otto explains how a poster that is red might appear as blue to a seperate individual. This example shows that objects are unique and percieved differently through our own eyes. We see this on an everyday basis in society. A black male born in Canada during the 20th century is looked upon differently and stereotyped in a more peaceful manner, then a black male born down south during the 1960's. This relates to the theme of the presentation in the way that knowledge and information has been displayed in past occurences that alters our perception of the older black male. Even if the individual had nothing to do with racial disputes, he is percieved differently due to the timeline. Another real life example is advertisements protraying women as beautiful and perfect. However, there images have been mechanically changed so we see them as completly flawless. Women then get the general idea that in order to be elegant and gorgeous. They have to alter there appearance in order to be percieved like the figures we see on advertisements. The theme Otto presents is fascinating as it can be expanded on so many levels. For example, we percieve people who eat at say a fast food franchise such as Mcdonalds to be overweight and lazy. This perception is revolved around the fact that the food is outrageously high in calories. However, not everyone who eats at such restaurant falls under these characteristics. People who are athletic and physically fit might stop by a fast food outlet just to get a quick snack. Our knowledge through movies such as "Super Size Me" that society views obscures our broadbase of information on this topic. Ultimatly, manipulating the way we view customers of fast food by the rest of society. In conclusion, Beau Otto's presentation is more then just a simple engaging mind and color game. It's a topic and guideline that relates to everything we are involved or introduced to. People's perceptions of people, places, or objects of any manner are influenced by the visuals we've seen or the facts heard.