Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Road Less Travelled

1. Is it important to be passionate about your job? That is a simple question to answer. Without passion and integrity in the workplace, tasks do not get completed to superb ability. If one does not display passion then how do you expect them to be hard working on an everyday basis. Showing up to work everyday and not caring about the work you achieve or are expected to complete will ultimatly backfire because there is no proper devotion of time towards your duties. It is proven that people who are passionate and love showing up for work are the ones that become successful and prosperous. Without passion how do you expect to recieve promotion to a higher role or an increased salary. So to answer the question. Yes, it is very important to be passionate in the work place as it reflects on your work ethic, character, and attitude towards your job. As well as sustaining a healthy and joyful lifestyle. I personally can relate to this subject manner. My father who not to long ago worked for a construction company in which he worked under a difficult boss to deal with, along with work he was not comfortable or enjoyed doing. Many nights he came home frusterated and full of anxiety. He did not love his job nor show any signs of passion. His lifestyle altered, he fell into depression issues and gained weight as well. However, after a couple years enough was enough. He recieved a different job offer and went on to resume a posisition under the government. Now he shows signs of passion and the whole family has noticed a change in his mood.

2. While i dont have concrete plans established i've narrowed it down to the correct route im planning on taking. Next year, I will be attending UBCO in Kelowna. I have been enrolled in the business program which I have had strong interest in for quite some time. From there I hope one day to perhaps open up my own business and achieve a prosperous and healthy lifestyle. However, I dont nessecary have to open my own business with this degree. With a business degree, I can attract more clients if I go the route of becoming a stockbroker. Handling people's money carefully is something I've been intrigued to do since middle school. I personally, have always been extremly cautious and smart with handling my own finances. Its not all about the money though. Over the last couple years, I have worked at Penticton Golf and Country Club where I have established some everlasting people skills as I have become communicative and personable with people of all ages. In the stockmarket business one must be able to persuade and sustain a likable image to retain clients to trust him or her with there life savings. Therefore, im keeping my options open. Thankful that a solid plan moving forward is intact and heading towards success.

Monday, June 6, 2011

55 Word Story

A rushed trip through the airport, scrambling for luggage and to clear customs to board our next flight. The plane for Mexico was leaving and my brother and I scurried thorough the airport like mice racing for cheese. We made it just in the knick of time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Novel Research

For this assignment, I did research on the author of "A Clockwork Orange" Anthony Burgess. I discovered that he actually died the year I was born which is 1993. Not only was Burgess an author but he was also a poet, playwrighter, composer, and a translator as he was familiar with multiple launguages. Which might explain the diverse vocabulary he uses throughout the story. While Burgess was skilled at writing books he also was very talented at producing music. Burgess composed roughly over 250 musical symphonies. Truly, man of many talents and desires. Burgess took the military route in 1946 and started out as an unpoular and useless Army private and eventually made it all the way to being promoted to seargent. After Burgess was fed up and exhausted with his posistion in the military he decided to take a safer career decison and become a teacher. He worked as a lecturer in speech and drama and was very successful in doing so. Its safe to say Burgess did it all. While "A Clockwork Orange" was his most accomplished creation. He also starred in performances on radio stations providing insightful input and a successful screenwriter. In Burgess's career he published thirty three different novels or biographies. Honored through his career as an educated scholar, Burgess achieved graduation at St Andrews, Birmingham, Manchester universities. Burgess's flourishing living came to an unfortunate end on November 22nd, 1993. The cause of death was said to be from lung cancer as Burgess was a heavy smoker over the years. A lifespan that lasted 76 years, Burgess was gifted in the ways of arts, literture, and musical talent. To this very day, Burgess's novels are still read throughout the world and loved by so many due to his distinct vocabulary and unique writing style. A famous Britain author, Anthony Burgess will always be remembered