Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weird Day at Work

The sun was out shining and the beautiful smell of the freshly cut grass filled the air. It was good times at the golf course, with the weather cooperative and the course filled with members and comfort seeking tourists. Everything was running smoothly and work was enjoyable. However, as 6 o'clock rolled around I made my way with the range cart to the driving range to do my routine role of picking up the golf balls. I stumbled across two avid golfers still out on the range rocketing golf balls past the 150 yard markers. I had a task to accomplish and a timeline intact. Politely, I told the players to shorten up there swings and only hit to the 75-100 yard markers. As I turned around and started to drive towards the area where I had told them Id be picking golf balls. A stinging pain hit my left leg and I bursted out "ahhhhh what the #$^&". Immedietly, I turned the cart around completly and scurried back to the designated hitting area. I was greeted by a "Did that scare you" with a chuckle. Unenthused and furious I said somewhat regrettable phrases to the golfer. Before I knew it, he was swearing back at me and I had to be restrained by fellow staff members. The rest of the shift I lurked around with a sense of authority and toughness. As I felt honored I had the guts to not take disrespect from older people who think hitting golf balls at staff is acceptable. The rest of the shift went back to the normal everyday routine. But in the back of my mind I was still angry that I was going to be leaving work with a big bruise on my leg. As 9'o clock rolled around there remained one last group consisting of a fellow staff member who I had endured argumentative occurences before. I told him if he was going to be the last guy out on the course to save me some time and lock the gates behind him. Suddenly, there he was flying past club storage with one of our power carts. He had this smurk on his face that signified arrogance and power. At least he had the class to park the power cart in the cart compound and save me a little bit of time. I yelled "Garret so did you lock the gates like I told you to" He looked at me startled and confused and murmured "thats your job why dont you do it". At this point I had completly lost it. On the brink of going insane, my anger level had hit a boiling point. I approached and pushed him against the power cart cutting the back of his shaved head on a sharp point. We tussled and wrestled each other to the ground. Once again, staff approached the incident and was forced to settle this dispute. The opposing staff member was escorted out of the course. When work was done shortly after I hopped in my parents car. My brother was sitting in the back and was excited to tell me that he had scored two eagles in one round of golf. I was delighted to hear the news and went on to tell him and my family that I had got involved in two fights today at work. Quite the day at the course it sounds like boys. Were the only words my dad could spit out. To this day I still maintain my posistion at the golf course. I am happy to say I have not fought since that day. A day full of mischief and physical pain enflicted. At the golf course.